Hair loss treatment
Hair loss affects millions of people in India. Male pattern baldness being the commonest cause for hair loss and baldness. For a problem of such magnitude (in numbers), the awareness regarding treatment options is strikingly low. Most men are distraught when they are faced with the ongoing hair loss leading to thinning and baldness (kashandi in Malayalam). Women also suffer from hair loss, especially in the peri menopause time. For long, it was believed that there is no treatment for hair loss and this belief is probably ingrained so well that people with hair loss get resigned to their condition. മലയാളത്തിൽ വായിക്കുവാൻ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക
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If you are suffering from hair loss, you may be surprised to learn two things-
1. There are very effective treatments for hair loss both medical and surgical.
2. The treatments are safe and part of mainstream modern medicine.
Surgical treatment for hair loss is more publicized, majority of people seeking hair transplantation are not aware of effective medical treatment. Medical and surgical treatments for hair loss are not mutually exclusive paths; most cases require both for complete hair coverage.
Hair transplantation in Kerala
Hair transplantation is very popular in Kerala. മലയാളത്തിൽ വായിക്കുവാൻ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുകYoung men with baldness and receding hair line are now choosing to get hair transplantation done. Hair roots taken from the back area of head are planted in areas of hair loss. Hair grows form these roots and remain unaffected by the balding process. There are no visible scars in the area where hairs are planted. There are no serious side effects after hair transplantation. Hair transplantation does not require hospital stay. Normal activities can be started in 24 hours. One week off from work is recommended. Swelling of forehead can happen after transplant and normally disappears in 5-6 days. Crusting in the transplanted area takes a week to ten days to clear off.Transplanted hairs starts to grow in 3 months. The transplanted hairs show complete growth in 6-9 months. The front zone is most commonly covered by follicle transplant. Vertex and temporal areas can also be covered by transplantation. Mega session transplant can cover large areas in one session.If the density in donor area is good upto 4000 follicles can be transplanted in one stage.
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The transplanted hairs grow like normal hair and are not affected by the balding process. This is the main reason why people are chosing hair transplantation over wigs and hair fixing. Hair fixing is completely different and not related to hair transplantation at all. It is only another name for a wig. Lot of men currently using hair fixing wigs are now opting to do hair planting as they feel transplanting is the better and natural option. Some people now refer to hair transplanting as "permanent hair fixing" or "surgical hair fixing"!!
Best hair transplant centre in Kerala
Dr. Hari Menon regularly performs hair transplantation at Lakeshore hospital in Cochin. Hair plantation is a common procedure now. It is commonly done for age group of 21 years to 50 years. Hair transplant has been safelyand effectively done for men upto 65 years age by Dr. Hari. Even grey hairs can be transplanted. There are no side effects after hair transplantation. It does not cause head aches or migraine.
Click to see more pictures of hair transplantation by Dr. Hari Menon
Cost of hair transplantation in Kerala
The cost of hair transplantation can vary depending on the area to be covered. Total cost can vary form INR 60,000-200,000 for a session. Number of follicles transplanted can be from 500-4000. മലയാളത്തിൽ വായിക്കുവാൻ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക
Male pattern hair loss- (Androgenic alopecia)
Male pattern hair loss is the most common cause for hair loss. Hair loss affects men psychologically- varying from ?severe dent in self esteem and loss of confidence? to ?not very bothered?. This is a genetically determined condition. The male hormone (Testosterone) is converted to DHT (Di Hydro Testosterone) normally in our body. DHT acts on genetically susceptible hair follicles and causes decreased activity. Initially this is manifested as ?miniaturization? or much smaller hair than normal. This progresses to no hair growth from the affected follicles and becomes visible as bald patch.Male pattern hair loss is treatable with high degree of success. Medical treatment stops further progress of hair loss and strengthens existing hair. Hair transplantation using one?s own follicles will help to cover bald areas. The best results are obtained with combination treatment with medicines and surgery.
Click here to see FAQ's on hair loss treatment and transplantation
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Hair loss in females
Contrary to popular belief, hair loss affects women too. Although a patterned hair loss in not so common in women, generalized thinning of hair can happen at any age.
Hormonal imbalance is the commonest reason for hair loss in women. In conditions where male hormone levels increase in a woman- as in Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or close to and after menopause- there will be significant hair loss. Anemia, low thyroid levels and stress are other common causes for hair loss in women. The treatment strategy will be to identify the cause and correct it.
Medicines for male pattern baldness
Male pattern baldness can be treated using medicines also. Medicines are very effective in early stages of baldness. There are two proven and approved medications available now. Finasterie 1 mg tablets and Minoxidil topical application are the mosy commonly used medications.

These medicines help to prevent furthet hair fall and also may result in regrowth of recently lost hair.The protective effect of medicines will be available only as long as they are used. When medications are stopped, hair fall will start again.
The effect of medicines are seen in 4-6 months.Medications are more effective for the vertex/ crown region.
Finasterde 1 mg is the mainstay in treatment. Chances of side effects are very low in young men.Finasteride and Minoxidil are USFDA approved for treatment of androgenetic alopecia since more than 15 years.
Medical treattment is advisable even after hair transplantation in most cases to help preserve the existing hair.
Best method of Hair transplantation (Follicular Unit Transfer FUT)
Hair transplantation surgery has evolved over the decades. The current gold standard in hair restoration surgery is FUT. In FUT surgery, a strip of skin is taken from the scalp at the back of the head. This strip is cut under magnification into tiny grafts- each of which will contain one folliclular unit comprising of one or more hairs. These grafts are gently placed into the skin of the area to be covered. FUT is time consuming and required very gentle handling of the follicles. The number of follicles that can be transferred in one session can vary from 500-4000.
1.Follicles are seen under microscope and made into grafts, so minimal graft loss. 2.The follicles are harvested from the area that resists balbness the most, so results have long term stability 3.With trichophytic closure the scar is barely visible. For longer lasting results FUT is better. IF you do not have the habit of shaving head , strip method is the better option.
FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction
is a different method of follicular transfer, where the follicles are extracted as single units. The advantage of this technique is the lack of the linear scar. This method is not favored in most centers because of higher chance of damage to follicles while extracting and lack of long term stability of result.
- Follicles are drilled out without seeing the roots, so chance of damage to roots is more.
- Follicles are harvested from a larger area, some of the roots may later be affected by baldness process
- Second session will be very difficult.
Treatment strategy for hair loss
A comprehensive approach to treatment of hair loss requires complete evaluation and treatment of the cause. In male pattern hair loss, the treatment should be a combination of medicines and surgery (if required). In cases of early hair loss, medical treatment alone may be sufficient for achieving acceptable level of hair regrowth. In cases with long standing hair loss, surgical hair restoration is required to cover frontal and temporal areas of hair loss. Medical treatment is recommended even after hair transplantation to maintain hair growth.
Plan in advance
The surgical plan and costing can be made before reaching Kerala. Send your photos and request to Dr. Hari Menon by email to know what is possible and how much it will cost you. Surgery dates should be booked well in advance. Use Contact Us page for this purpose.
Pre op evaluation
Clinical evaluation for actual assessment of areas to be covered, quality of donor area and pre op tests should be done 1-2 days before the procedure
On day of hair plantation
The procedure is done under local anesthesia. So no fasting is needed. You can return the same evening after procedure. Hospital stay is not needed.
Post op care
Care of the replanted follicles and the remaining area is quite simple and can be done without medical assistance. Detailed instructions will be given on hair washing and shampooing after hair planting.
Follow up visits
Immediate follow up is not compulsory. You can be in touch over phone or by email in case of any doubts. Follow up after 6-9 months is recommended.
Travelling after hair plantation
Some amount of swelling on forehead and eyelids can happen 2-3 days after the procedure and that resolves completely by 5-6 days. Crusting in transplanted area clears off in 7-10 days.
Medically, you will be fit to travel the next day, but it is better to take rest for 2-3 days at least. Care should be taken not to hit your head anywhere while travelling. 10 days off work is recommended for resolution of edema and clering of scabs/crusts.
Getting back to office/ work
If you can work with a cap on, you can start in 3-4 days. Otherwise wait for 10 days till the scabs clear